HSA Resources

We've put together some HSA tools and education you might find helpful. We've just started putting this list together, so let us know if you think there are other resources we should add to this list to help your fellow HSA consumers!

Quick HSA Limits Table


Single Plan Family Plan
Maximum Contribution Limit $4,150 $8,300
Catch-up Contribution Limit (Age 55+) $1,000 $1,000
Minimum Deductible $1,600 $3,200
Maximum Out-of-Pocket $8,050 $16,100


Single Plan Family Plan
Maximum Contribution Limit $4,300 $8,550
Catch-up Contribution Limit (Age 55+) $1,000 $1,000
Minimum Deductible $1,650 $3,300
Maximum Out-of-Pocket $8,300 $16,600

IRS Documentation

Do you think there is another resource that would be helpful for HSA consumers that isn't on this page? Email us at [email protected]