Community Bank logo


Community Bank has been a part of Topeka since 1995. People bank with us because we are your neighbors, your friends, and part of our community. We take the time to understand your needs and offer the best solution. Whatever service we are providing, we give it our best; whether it’s providing a loan for the home of your dreams, helping you launch a new business, or simply providing a friendly interaction, WE make it happen! We are able to provide this level of service, because we are locally owned and managed. Decisions are made at Community Bank by the people you interact with daily. This allows us to be responsive to your needs and offer flexible options.

HSA Program Features

FDIC or NCUA Insured:
  • Debit Card
  • Checks
  • Online Banking

HSA Interest Rates

Interest rates are unknown at this time


Monthly Maintenance Fee $2.00*
Account Opening Fee $15.00
Account Closing Fee Unknown

* If minimum balance is below $1000 any day of the statement cycle

HSA Investment Options

Mutual Fund Platform: close   Self-Directed Brokerage: close   CDs: close   Other: close

Contact Information

General Information

Address 5431 SW 29th St.
Topeka, KS 66614

Customer Service

Phone Number 785-440-4400
Email Address [email protected]