First Security Bank & Trust logo


First Security has made many changes over time, but one constant through the years is the maximum effort given to raise the level of service offered to customers. The result transcends the traditional banking experience, becoming more focused on meeting the changing needs of the customer.

HSA Program Features

FDIC or NCUA Insured:
Min Balance to Open:
  • Debit Card
  • Online Banking

HSA Interest Rates

Interest rates are unknown at this time


Monthly Maintenance Fee Unknown
Account Opening Fee $25.00
Account Closing Fee $25.00

HSA Investment Options

Mutual Fund Platform: close   Self-Directed Brokerage: close   CDs: close   Other: close

Contact Information

General Information

Address 809 Clark St.
Charles City, IA 50616

Customer Service

Mailing Address 809 Clark St.
Charles City, IA 50616
Phone Number 800-272-0159