Los Angeles Federal Credit Union logo


Anyone residing in the Greater Los Angeles, California Metropolitan area (in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside, or San Bernardino), is eligible to join LAFCU and become a member by either working for the City of Los Angeles, or after making a minimum donation to the Los Angeles Charitable Association (LACA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity.

From its early beginnings to today, LAFCU has remained a strong, secure financial institution. In addition to serving the financial needs of our members, we are also committed to giving back to the community through LACA. Established in 2006, LACA supports other selected nonprofits through charitable giving and volunteerism.

HSA Program Features

FDIC or NCUA Insured:
Min Balance to Open:
  • Debit Card
  • Online Banking

HSA Interest Rates

Interest rates for various balance tiers
$0 - $2,499.99 0.30% APY
$2,500 - $9,999.99 0.70% APY
$10,000 $24,999.99 0.75% APY
$25,000 - $49,999.99 0.80% APY
$50,000 to $99,999.99 0.85% APY
$100,000 to $249,999.99 0.90% APY
$250,000+ 1.00% APY
Last updated on: 11-12-2024. Rates may not be current, please check the provider's website for the latest rates.


Monthly Maintenance Fee Unknown
Account Opening Fee Unknown
Account Closing Fee Unknown

HSA Investment Options

Mutual Fund Platform: close   Self-Directed Brokerage: close   CDs: close   Other: close

Contact Information

General Information


Customer Service

Mailing Address P.O. Box 53032
Los Angeles, CA 90053-0032
Phone Number (877) 695-2328