Seasons Federal Credit Union logo


For over 80 years, Seasons Federal Credit Union continues to provide a well-round banking experience, encompassing every aspect of our members’ financial lives.

Our promise is to treat you with respect, to be accurate and secure with your information, and help you with life’s events, big and small. We're proud to be part of America's credit union movement, where people really are worth more than money. We’re joined by our members, supported by our members and inspired by our members.

HSA Program Features

FDIC or NCUA Insured:
Min Balance to Open:
  • Debit Card
  • Checks
  • Online Banking

HSA Interest Rates

Interest rates are unknown at this time


Monthly Maintenance Fee $0.00
Account Opening Fee Unknown
Account Closing Fee $25.00

HSA Investment Options

Mutual Fund Platform: close   Self-Directed Brokerage: close   CDs: close   Other: close

Contact Information

General Information

Address 524 South Main Street
Middletown, CT 06457

Customer Service

Phone Number 860-346-6614